The Ultimate Guide To 6-Step Email Marketing Strategy

Riddhima K.

Content Writer at Socialwyz | 13 min read

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22 déc. 2022
Email Marketing
Email Marketing
Email Marketing

Do you have trouble increasing leads and sales from your email campaigns? Do you think your emails aren’t going to the correct people or producing the desired results? If so, you are not by yourself. When it comes to email marketing in 2023, many marketers deal with the same difficulties

According to a report by Campaign Monitor, email marketing generates an average ROI of 4400%, meaning that for every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses see a return of $44.

But, there is a fix, so don’t panic. In this blog post, I’ll outline a straightforward 6-step email marketing plan that you can use to develop emails for your company that are both interesting and profitable. This plan will help you: since it’s based on the most recent trends and email marketing best practises.

  • How to build an email list ?

  • What are the best practices for acquiring new subscribers ?

  • What are the strategies for writing effective subject lines ?

  • What are the tips for designing visually appealing emails?

  • Discover successful email campaigns case studies across 20 diverse domains including AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, E-commerce, Gaming, Robotics, Healthtech and Spacetech. These case studies showcase effective strategies and tactics employed in their email campaigns, delivering quantifiable results in their respective industries.

  • What are the best practices for implementing automation in your email marketing strategy ?

  • How to analyze data to optimize your email marketing campaigns ?

  • What are the strategies for improving email deliverability ?

Your open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and revenue from email campaigns will all increase if you stick to this 6-step email marketing strategy. Also, you will be able to win over your subscribers’ loyalty and trust so that they become devoted, recurring clients.

Sounds good? Then keep reading to learn more about each step of this email marketing strategy and how to implement it for your business

What Is Email Marketing ?

Sending emails to consumers who have consented to receive promotional messages from your brand is the basis of the digital marketing tactic known as email marketing. Building relationships with your audience, nurturing prospects, and boosting sales are the objectives of email marketing campaigns.

social media

Despite the prevalence of social media, a report by McKinsey & Company found that email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

I. Why Is Email Marketing Important?

According to a DMA survey, email marketing yields a $42 average return on investment for every $1 invested. Hence, email marketing can help you maximise the use of your marketing budget and go closer to achieving your corporate objectives.


1. Reach a Wider Audience

Email marketing is a powerful way to reach a wide audience at a low cost. Your audience can be divided into distinct segments based on their demographics, behaviours, and interests using the correct method to send highly targeted communications to those groups.


2. Build Stronger Relationships

By giving your audience useful material that they are interested in, email marketing enables you to develop long-lasting relationships with them. Your subscribers will start to trust and believe you when you deliver them customised and focused content.

3. Increase Sales and Conversions

One of the most successful methods for boosting sales and conversions has been demonstrated to be email marketing. Your subscribers will be more likely to take action, like making a purchase or signing up for a free trial, if you regularly give them communications that are pertinent to their needs.

4. Easy to Track Performance

The simplicity with which performance may be monitored is one of email marketing’s main benefits. You may monitor data like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and make any improvements.

5. Affordable

One of the most economical marketing techniques is email marketing. It doesn’t call for a huge expenditure, and you frequently obtain a sizable return on your investment.

In conclusion, email marketing is a successful digital marketing technique that enables companies to inexpensively reach a big audience. Businesses may strengthen their relationships with their audience, boost revenue, and improve conversion rates by sending targeted and tailored messaging. Email marketing is essential to any marketing strategy due of its low cost and simple tracking tools.

A report by the Radicati Group predicts that the number of email users worldwide will reach 4.3 billion by 2023.

II. How to build an email subscriber list ?

One of the most crucial email marketing task is developing an email list of potential customers who are interested in your products or services.A strong email list can help you expand client base, brand visibility, and revenue. But how can you successfully grow your email list? Here are some tips and tricks to help you.

mail list

a. Strategies for growing your email list

There are various strategies to grow your email list, but some of the most popular and successful ones are as follows:

  1. Offering a lead magnet :A lead magnet is a free and valuable offer that you give to your website visitors in exchange for their email address. It can be an ebook, a checklist, a webinar, a coupon, or anything else that your audience would find useful and relevant. For example, if you run a fitness blog, you can offer a free workout plan or a nutrition guide as a lead magnet.

  2. Creating a landing page : A landing page is a web page that is designed to capture the attention of your visitors and persuade them to sign up for your email list. It should have a clear and compelling headline, a brief and benefits-oriented copy, an eye-catching image or video, and a simple and prominent opt-in form. You can use tools like Mailchimp or Leadpages or take inspirations for creating unique and creative landing pages easily.

  3. Adding a pop-up or slide-in form : A pop-up or slide-in form is a type of opt-in form that appears on your website when a visitor performs a certain action, such as scrolling down, clicking on a link, or exiting the page. It can help you capture the attention of your visitors and encourage them to subscribe to your email list. You can use tools like OptinMonster or Sumo to create pop-up or slide-in forms with various triggers and designs.

  4. Leveraging social media : Social media is a great platform to promote your email list and reach new audiences. You can share your lead magnet or landing page on your social media profiles, create posts that invite your followers to join your email list, run contests or giveaways that require an email address to enter, or use paid ads to target your ideal customers.

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches — at scale.” — David Newman

b. The importance of targeting the right audience


While growing your email list is important, it is equally important to make sure that you are attracting the right people who are genuinely interested in your products or services. Otherwise, you will end up with a large but unengaged and unprofitable email list. Targeting the right audience can help you:

  1. Increase your open rates and click-through rates : If you send relevant and personalized emails to people who are interested in your niche and offerings, they are more likely to open and click on your emails.

  2. Reduce your unsubscribe rates and spam complaints : If you send irrelevant and generic emails to people who are not interested in your niche and offerings, they are more likely to unsubscribe from your email list or mark your emails as spam.

  3. Improve your conversion rates and revenue : If you send valuable and persuasive emails to people who are ready to buy from you, they are more likely to take action and purchase your products or services.

c. Best practices for acquiring new subscribers

To ensure that you are growing your email list with quality subscribers who are likely to become loyal customers, here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Segment your email list : Segmenting your email list means dividing it into smaller groups based on different criteria, such as demographics, interests, behavior, or stage in the buyer’s journey. This can help you send more targeted and relevant emails to each group and increase their engagement and conversion rates.

  2. Ask for permission : Asking for permission means getting explicit consent from your subscribers before sending them any emails through an opt-in. Double opt-in ensures that the subscriber is genuinely interested in your content and reduces the risk of spam complaints. This can help you comply with the laws and regulations regarding email marketing, such as the GDPR or the CAN-SPAM Act. It can also help you build trust and credibility with your subscribers and avoid spam filters.

  3. Provide value : Providing value means delivering useful and relevant content to your subscribers that helps them solve their problems or achieve their goals. Offer a valuable incentive such as a discount or free resource in exchange for the visitor’s email address. This can help you establish yourself as an authority and a resource in your niche and keep your subscribers interested and satisfied with your emails.

  4. Make it easy to subscribe : Make sure your opt-in form is easy to find and fill out, and only ask for essential information such as their name and email address.

A study by GetResponse found that segmented email campaigns result in a 760% increase in revenue.

III. How to create effective email campaigns ?

One of the most important aspects of email marketing is creating effective email campaigns that capture the attention of your audience and motivate them to take action. In this section, we will discuss some strategies for writing effective subject lines that can increase your open rates and engagement.


a. Strategies for writing effective subject lines

The subject line is the first thing that your subscribers see when they receive your email. It is also the main factor that determines whether they will open it or not. Therefore, you need to craft a subject line that is relevant, catchy, and clear.

Here are some tips for writing effective subject lines:

  1. Use personalization: Make your email more appealing and personable by personalising the subject line with the recipient’s name, location, or other pertinent details. Examples include “Hello John, here’s a wonderful deal for you” and “How to expand your business in Seattle.”

  2. Use urgency or curiosity: Creating a sense of urgency or curiosity to pique readers’ interest. This will encourage them to read your email and learn more. Take the phrases “Last chance to save 50% on our best-selling products” or “You won’t believe what we just discovered,” for instance.

  3. Use benefits or value propositions: Highlighting the benefits or value propositions of your email can show your subscribers what they will gain by opening it. For example, “How to boost your productivity in 10 minutes a day” or “The secret to getting more leads with email marketing”.

  4. Use numbers or lists: Using numbers or lists can make your subject line more specific and easy to scan. For example, “7 ways to improve your email deliverability” or “The top 3 mistakes to avoid in email marketing”.

  5. Use emojis or symbols: Using emojis or symbols can add some personality and emotion to your subject line. They can also help you stand out from the crowd and catch the eye of your subscribers. For example, “🎁 Surprise! You’ve been selected for a special offer” or “⚠️ Warning: Don’t miss this opportunity”.

  6. Test and optimize: Testing and improving your subject lines is the best approach to learn what appeals to your audience. To evaluate the effectiveness of various subject lines and determine which ones produce the most opens and clicks, use tools like A/B testing or analytics.

You can develop efficient email campaigns that will boost your engagement and conversions by using the tactics listed here.

b. Tips for designing visually appealing emails

Email marketing is a powerful way to connect with your audience and drive conversions. But how do you make sure your emails stand out in a crowded inbox and catch the attention of your subscribers?

One of the key factors that influence the success of your email campaigns is the design of your emails. A well-designed email can enhance your message, showcase your brand personality, and encourage your readers to take action.

Here are some tips for designing visually appealing emails that will help you achieve your email marketing goals:

  1. Use a responsive template : A responsive template adapts to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring that your email looks good and functions well on any platform. This will improve your deliverability, readability, and click-through rates.

  2. Choose a simple and clear layout : A cluttered or confusing layout can distract your readers from your main message and call to action. Use white space, headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to organize your content and make it easy to scan.

  3. Align your design with your brand identity : Your email design should reflect your brand’s voice, tone, colors, fonts, and logo. This will help you create a consistent and recognizable image across all your communication channels and build trust with your audience.

  4. Use high-quality images and graphics : Images and graphics can add visual interest and appeal to your emails, as well as support your message and convey emotions. However, make sure you use relevant, high-quality, and optimized images and graphics that load fast and don’t affect your email performance.

  5. Test your emails before sending : Before you hit send, make sure you test your emails on different devices, browsers, and email clients to check how they look and function. You can use tools like Litmus or Email on Acid to preview and troubleshoot your emails.

By following these tips, you can design visually appealing emails that will impress your subscribers and boost your email marketing results.

c. Personalization tactics to increase engagement

Personalization is the practise of adjusting your offers and content to meet the unique requirements and tastes of your target market. Delivering pertinent and worthwhile experiences to your customers can enhance engagement, loyalty, and conversions. The following personalisation strategies will help you increase engagement:

  1. Segment the audience based on their behaviour, interests, location, and other factors, divide your audience into different groups. You may use this to develop tailored marketing and messaging that appeal to each section.

  2. Use dynamic content depending on the visitor’s profile and the situation, to alter the features of your website, landing pages, emails, and advertisements. For instance, depending on the visitor’s prior behaviours, device kind, or referral source, you can display various headlines, photos, testimonies, or calls to action.

  3. Get customer input/feedback and use it to enhance your offerings in terms of goods, services, and content. Also, you may utilise customer feedback to tailor your communications and demonstrate to your clients how much you value their thoughts and happiness.

  4. Use social proof to demonstrate the recognition and authority of your brand. To show how other people have benefited from your goods or services, you can utilise testimonials, reviews, ratings, case studies, or social media posts. By displaying the number of customers or viewers of your offer, you can also leverage social proof to generate a sense of urgency or scarcity.

  5. Reward your loyal customers with exclusive deals, savings, gifts, or access to premium content. Retention, recommendations, and repeat business will all rise as a result. Gamification strategies can also be used to give your consumers enjoyable and interesting experiences that motivate them to take action.

A study by DMA showed that personalized emails have a higher open rate (18.8%), click-through rate (2.6%), and revenue per email sent (29%) compared to non-personalized emails.

IV. Successful Email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your tech business in 2021 and beyond. According to a report by Litmus, email marketing has an average return on investment (ROI) of 38:1, which means that for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect to earn $38 in revenue. However, not all email campaigns are created equal. Some are more successful than others in terms of open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and customer loyalty.

Let's get started!

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

website preview is an AI-powered B2B lead generation platform that helps businesses find and connect with their ideal prospects. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that went viral was their "Ultimate Guide to Using AI in Email Marketing Campaigns" .The goal of this campaign was to inform the target audience about the advantages and difficulties of using AI in email marketing, as well as how may assist them in overcoming these difficulties.

The campaign was successful because it:

  • The campaign provided insightful and pertinent information that addressed a frequent problem for their audience: how to use AI to boost the effectiveness of their email marketing.

  • Used “The Definitive Guide to Utilizing AI in Email Marketing Campaigns” as the subject line, which was attention-grabbing and sparked recipients’ curiosity.

  • Included a call-to-action that was both clear and persuasive and urged the recipients to download the guide and learn more about’s services.

  • Used AI to customise the emails depending on the region, industry, and behaviour of the receivers.

2. Blockchain: Coinbound

Coinbound is a blockchain marketing agency that helps crypto startups grow their brand awareness, user base, and revenue. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that went viral was their "Crypto Influencer Marketing Report" . This campaign was aimed at showcasing their expertise and authority in the crypto space, and providing insights and data on how to leverage influencer marketing for crypto projects.

The campaign was successful because it:

  • Offered exclusive and original content that was not available elsewhere: a comprehensive report on the state of influencer marketing in the crypto industry.

  • Used a simple and direct subject line that communicated the value proposition of the email: "Crypto Influencer Marketing Report".

  • Included a persuasive and urgent call-to-action that encouraged the recipients to download the report before it was gone: "Get it now before we take it down".

  • Leveraged AI to segment the emails based on the recipients' interests, preferences, and goals.

3. Cybersecurity: HackNotice

HackNotice is a cybersecurity startup that alerts users when their personal information is exposed online due to data breaches or hacks. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that went viral was their "HackNotice Alerts" . This campaign was aimed at informing their users about the latest data breaches or hacks that affected them or their online accounts, and providing them with tips and tools to protect themselves.

The campaign was successful because it:

  • Delivered timely and relevant content that addressed a pressing need of their users: how to stay safe online in the face of increasing cyber threats.

  • Used a personalized and attention-grabbing subject line that alerted the users about the specific breach or hack that impacted them: "HackNotice Alert: Your Data Was Exposed in [Breach Name]".

  • Included a helpful and actionable call-to-action that directed the users to check their dashboard for more details and recommendations: "See Your Dashboard Now".

  • Leveraged AI to analyze millions of data sources and identify the breaches or hacks that affected each user individually.

4. CleanTech: Husk Power Systems

Husk Power Systems, an Indian startup that provides clean and affordable energy to rural communities using rice husks. Their website is

Husk Power Systems sent an email campaign to its subscribers to announce its partnership with Shell Foundation, a social enterprise that supports innovative solutions for energy access. The email campaign had a clear and catchy subject line: “Husk Power Systems + Shell Foundation: A Partnership for Impact”. The email body explained how the partnership would help Husk Power Systems scale up its operations and reach more customers, as well as how it aligned with its mission and vision. The email also included a call-to-action button that invited the subscribers to learn more about the partnership on Husk Power Systems’ website.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • Showed the value proposition of Husk Power Systems and how it solves a real problem for its customers.

  • Highlighted the credibility and trustworthiness of Husk Power Systems by associating with a reputable partner.

  • Used a simple and engaging design that matched its brand identity and tone.

  • Encouraged the subscribers to take action and visit its website for more information.

5. FoodTech: Zomato

Zomato is a food delivery platform that operates in 24 countries and serves over 70 million users. Their website is

Zomato is known for its witty and humorous email marketing campaigns that appeal to its audience’s love for food and fun. One of their recent email campaigns was titled “The Zomato IPO”, which coincided with their initial public offering on the stock market.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • A clever subject line that played on the word “IPO” (Initial Public Offering) and “IPO” (I’m Paying Online).

  • A playful introduction that congratulated recipients for being part of Zomato’s journey and invited them to celebrate with a special offer.

  • A personalized coupon code that gave recipients a 50% discount on their next order.

  • A humorous disclaimer that clarified that the offer was not related to Zomato’s IPO and that recipients should not invest in Zomato based on this email.

  • A call to action button that directed recipients to order food from Zomato’s app or website

This email campaign was effective because it leveraged Zomato’s brand personality and tone of voice, and created a sense of excitement and exclusivity among its customers. It also used a timely and topical event (Zomato’s IPO) to generate interest and curiosity, and offered a generous discount to incentivize orders.

6. Social Media: AppInstitute

AppInstitute is a platform that helps businesses create their own mobile apps without coding. Their website is

One of their target segments is the restaurant industry, which can benefit from having an app to showcase their menu, accept orders, collect feedback, and reward loyal customers. AppInstitute created a blog post titled “Restaurant Email Marketing: Ideas and Examples to Supercharge Your Newsletter”, which they promoted through an email campaign to their restaurant prospects.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • An informative subject line that stated the topic and value proposition of the blog post.

  • An engaging introduction that asked recipients a relevant question (Did you know that 138% more money is made from customers who buy your products via an email marketing offer than from customers who don’t get your emails?) and provided some statistics to back it up.

  • A brief overview of what the blog post covered (how to build a segmented email list, how to collect useful customer data, how to plan a schedule of email campaigns, etc.).

  • A call to action button that invited recipients to read the full blog post on AppInstitute’s website.

  • A sign-off that reminded recipients of AppInstitute’s value proposition (helping restaurants create their own mobile apps without coding) and provided a link to their app builder

This email campaign was effective because it offered useful and actionable content for restaurant owners who wanted to improve their email marketing strategies. It also demonstrated AppInstitute’s knowledge and credibility

7. FinTech: Hex Trust

Hex Trust is a digital asset custody provider that offers solutions for financial institutions and private clients. Their website is

One of their email campaigns is called “Review of the Month”, where they send a monthly newsletter to their subscribers with a summary of their business updates, industry insights, and company news.

![Hex Trust email campaign](

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It offers their audience useful and pertinent information, such as market trends, legislative updates, product features, and client endorsements.

  • With their subscribers, it increases their trust and credibility while showcasing their knowledge and thought leadership in the field of digital assets.

  • The text is presented in a clear, succinct format with eye-catching headlines, bullet points, and illustrations to make it simple to skim and comprehend.

  • Each section ends with a clear call to action (CTA) encouraging the reader to learn more, schedule a demo, or get in touch with them for further details.

8. Healthcare: Bowtie Life Insurance

Bowtie Life Insurance is Hong Kong’s first licensed digital insurer that offers affordable and direct-to-consumer insurance plans. Their website is

One of their email campaigns is called “Bowtie Customer Testimonials”, where they share real-life stories of how their customers used Bowtie to solve their medical issues.

![Bowtie Life Insurance email campaign](

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It leverages social proof and storytelling to showcase the benefits and value proposition of their insurance products, and how they helped their customers overcome their challenges.

  • It appeals to the emotions and pain points of their audience, such as health risks, medical expenses, and family protection.

  • It uses a simple and elegant design, with a consistent color scheme, font style, and logo to reinforce their brand identity.

  • It includes a prominent CTA at the bottom of the email, encouraging the readers to get a quote or refer a friend for rewards.

9. E-commerce: Beardbrand

Beardbrand is a startup that sells beard care products for men who want to grow and maintain their facial hair. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that went viral was their “Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) campaign” in 2018.

They sent a series of emails to their subscribers leading up to the BFCM weekend, offering them exclusive deals and discounts on their products.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • The subject lines are catchy and intriguing, such as “The biggest sale of the year starts NOW” or “Last chance to save BIG on beard care”.

  • The emails are personalized with the recipient’s name and location, creating a sense of connection and urgency.

  • The emails use clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs), such as “Shop Now”, “Claim Your Deal”, or “Don’t Miss Out”.

  • The emails showcase their products with high-quality images and testimonials from satisfied customers, highlighting their benefits and value proposition.

  • The emails create a sense of scarcity and FOMO (fear of missing out) by using countdown timers, limited stock alerts, and social proof (such as how many people have already bought the products).

10. EdTech: Skillshare

Skillshare is a startup that offers online classes on various topics, such as design, photography, business, and more. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that went viral was their “Referral program campaign” in 2019.

They sent an email to their existing users, inviting them to refer their friends and family to Skillshare and earn free months of premium membership for both parties.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • The topic line is short and to the point, such “Spend one month’s worth of Skillshare Premium. Get a free month.”

  • The email is succinct and understandable, briefly outlining the advantages and procedures of the referral programme.

  • The email addresses the recipient with the greeting “Hello there” and closes with the phrase “Your friends at Skillshare.”

  • The email’s colour palette is vibrant and appealing, with a stark contrast between the blue backdrop and the yellow CTA button.

  • A customised referral link is included in the email to make it simple for the receiver to forward it to their connections via social media or email.

11. Travel and Hospitality : Worldwide Horizons

Worldwide Horizons is a company that offers customized travel experiences for adventurous travelers. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that caught our attention is the one they sent to their subscribers who expressed interest in visiting Iceland. The email has a catchy subject line: “Iceland: The Land of Fire and Ice”.

The email body contains a stunning image of the Icelandic landscape, followed by a brief introduction that highlights the benefits of traveling with Worldwide Horizons. The email then lists some of the activities and attractions that travelers can enjoy in Iceland, such as hiking, glacier walking, whale watching, and visiting geysers and waterfalls. Each item has a link to a landing page where subscribers can learn more and book their trip. The email ends with a clear call to action: “Book Now and Save 10%”.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • What makes this email marketing campaign unique is that it showcases the destination in an appealing way, while also emphasizing the value proposition of Worldwide Horizons: personalized, authentic, and adventurous travel experiences.

  • The email also creates a sense of urgency by offering a limited-time discount for early bookings.

  • This email campaign can inspire other travel and hospitality businesses to use email marketing to promote their destinations and services in a compelling and relevant way.

12. On-Demand Services: Deliveroo

Deliveroo is a company that delivers food from local restaurants to customers’ doors. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that we liked is the one they sent to their subscribers who ordered food from them in the past month. The email has a simple subject line: “Thanks for choosing Deliveroo”.

A tailored note in the email’s body thanks the subscriber for their support and asks them to rate recent purchases. The email also includes a chance to win £250 in Deliveroo credit as an incentive for completing the survey. “Enjoy eating,” reads the kind closing line of the email.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It expresses gratitude to the consumer for their patronage while simultaneously gathering insightful feedback and promoting repeat business.

  • By providing a large incentive for taking action, the email also generates enthusiasm.

  • This email campaign may serve as an example for other on-demand service companies looking to increase customer loyalty and relationships through email marketing.

13. Internet of Things (IoT) : Nest

Nest is a company that sells smart home products, such as thermostats, cameras, doorbells, and alarms. Their website is

One of their email marketing campaigns that impressed us is the one they sent to their subscribers who own a Nest thermostat. The email has an informative subject line: “Your Nest Thermostat saved you X kWh last month”

The email body contains a personalized report that shows how much energy the subscriber saved by using the Nest thermostat, compared to the average usage in their area. The email also provides tips on how to save even more energy, such as adjusting the temperature settings, using the Eco mode, or installing other Nest products. The email ends with a clear call to action: “Shop Now”.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It demonstrates the value of the product by showing real results, while also educating the customer on how to use it better.

  • The email also creates a sense of curiosity by revealing how much energy the subscriber saved compared to others.

  • This email campaign can inspire other IoT businesses to use email marketing to showcase their product benefits and features in a relevant and engaging way.

14. Gaming : Valve

Valve is a game developer and publisher maker of famous games like Half Life. Their website is

The 2011 Valve campaign for Portal 2 was one of the greatest video game marketing strategies ever. P

layers who had purchased the first Portal game were invited to take part in an alternate reality game (ARG) that teased the story and features of the sequel through a series of emails that were sent to players who had purchased the first Portal game.

The emails contained puzzles, hints, and links to numerous websites relevant to the ARG and were brilliantly written in the voice of GLaDOS, the series’ renowned AI antagonist. Fans were really buzzed and excited about the campaign, excitedly solving the puzzles and sharing their results online. In addition, compared to Portal 2, the marketing raised sales by 67%.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It made use of the Portal fan base already in existence and stoked interest in the sequel by creating a feeling of mystery.

  • In addition, it made the recipients feel involved and a part of a broader community by using comedy, interaction, and narrative.

  • The game’s tone and aesthetic were maintained throughout the campaign, which also provided a memorable experience that raised interest in Portal 2 ahead of its release.

15. Mobile Apps : Headspace

Headspace, a meditation app that helps users reduce stress and improve their mental health. Their mobile app link is

The campaign consisted of a series of onboarding emails that welcomed new users, introduced them to the app’s features and benefits, and encouraged them to start their first session.

The emails were simple, friendly, and visually appealing, using bright colors, illustrations, and animations to convey the app’s personality and value proposition. The emails also included clear and compelling calls to action that directed users to open the app and start meditating.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It focused on educating and motivating new users, rather than pushing for conversions or upsells.

  • It also used personalization, segmentation, and automation to deliver relevant and timely messages based on the user’s behavior and preferences.

  • The campaign was designed to help users overcome their initial barriers and form a habit of using the app regularly.

16. Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) : Holoroom

Lowe’s is a home improvement retailer. They launched a VR tool called Holoroom to provide a customized and realistic experience for customers who want to design their own rooms. Website:

In 2016, they launched an email marketing campaign to introduce their new feature, Holoroom, which is a VR tool that allows customers to design their own rooms using Lowe’s products.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • Existing customers who had expressed interest in home renovation projects were the target audience for the email campaign.

  • “Introducing Holoroom: A Virtual Reality Experience,” read the email’s catchy subject line.

  • The email body provided details on how Holoroom functions and how it may assist clients in creating virtual versions of their ideal spaces before making purchases.

  • A call-to-action button that instructed users to locate a nearby retailer that sells Holoroom was also included.

  • To customise and engage its customers and boost sales, Lowe’s deployed virtual reality technology.

17. Robotics : Misty Robotics

Misty Robotics is a company that creates personal robots for developers, educators, and makers. Their website is

An example of one of their email marketing campaigns that went viral is this one:

In this email, they announced the launch of their Misty II robot early access program, which offered a limited number of robots at a discounted price. They used a catchy subject line (“Meet Misty II: The Robot for Developers”), an engaging video that introduced the robot and its features, and a clear call to action (“Reserve Your Misty II Now”). They also created a sense of urgency by highlighting the limited availability and time frame of the offer.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • What makes their email marketing campaign unique is that they use storytelling and humor to showcase the personality and capabilities of their robots.

  • They also use email to educate their subscribers about robotics concepts, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning.

  • They also invite their subscribers to join their community of robot enthusiasts and share their feedback and ideas.

18. Cloud Computing :Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean is a company that provides cloud computing solutions for developers and businesses. Their website is

An example of one of their email marketing campaigns that went viral is this one:

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • They invited their subscribers to join a free webinar on how to build a scalable web application with DigitalOcean.

  • They used a compelling subject line (“Learn how to build a scalable web application with DigitalOcean”), an informative summary of what the webinar would cover, and a clear call to action (“Register Now”).

  • They also included social proof by mentioning the name and credentials of the speaker.

19. 3D Printing : Formlabs

Formlabs is a company that produces high-quality 3D printers and materials. Their website is

Formlabs sent an email campaign to promote their new product launch, the Form 3L, a large-format 3D printer. The email had a clear and catchy subject line: “Introducing the Form 3L: The Future of Large-Format 3D Printing”.

The email also included an eye-catching photograph of the product, succinct content that focused on the printer’s key features and advantages, and a clear call-to-action button that directed readers to the company’s website for more information. By including the logos of renowned businesses using Formlabs products, like Tesla, Google, and Adidas, the email also contained social proof.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It aroused the recipients’ interest in 3D printing technology and sparked their excitement.

  • Also, by displaying the logos of well-known brands, it created credibility and confidence and illustrated the new product’s value proposition.

  • The email was well-designed and simple to read on any platform.

20. Space Technology :SpaceX

SpaceX, a company that designs, manufactures, and launches rockets and spacecraft. Their website is

SpaceX sent an email campaign to announce their historic launch of Crew Dragon Demo-2 mission, which was the first crewed flight to orbit from American soil since 2011.

The email had a simple but impactful subject line: “Launch America”. The email also had a stunning image of the rocket launch, a brief and informative copy that explained the significance and details of the mission, and a clear call-to-action button that invited the recipients to watch the live stream on their website. The email also included social proof by featuring logos of NASA and other partners involved in the mission.

The email campaign was successful because it:

  • It created a sense of awe and inspiration among the recipients, who were likely fascinated by space technology.

  • It also communicated the mission and vision of SpaceX, and showcased their innovation and leadership in the industry.

  • The email was also well-designed and easy to read on any device.

Email marketing has a higher conversion rate compared to social media marketing. According to a study by Monetate, the overall conversion rate for email marketing is 4.24%, compared to 1.81% for social media.

V. Email Marketing Automation

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Email marketing automation is a powerful way to communicate with your audience and deliver personalized messages based on their behavior, preferences and needs. In this blog post, we will explain what email marketing automation is, why you should use it and how to implement it in your email marketing strategy.

a. What is email marketing automation?

Email marketing automation is the process of sending automated emails to your subscribers based on certain triggers, conditions or actions. For example, you can send a welcome email to a new subscriber, a birthday email to a loyal customer, a cart abandonment email to a potential buyer or a re-engagement email to an inactive user.

Email marketing automation allows you to create relevant and timely messages that match your audience’s interests and needs. It also helps you save time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining your workflow.

b. Why use email marketing automation?

Email marketing automation has many benefits for your business, such as:

  • Increasing your conversions and sales: By sending targeted and personalized emails, you can increase your chances of converting your subscribers into customers and encourage repeat purchases.

  • Building trust and loyalty: By providing value and solving problems for your subscribers, you can build trust and loyalty with your brand and foster long-term relationships.

  • Improving your deliverability and reputation: By sending relevant and timely emails, you can improve your open rates, click-through rates and engagement rates, which can boost your deliverability and reputation as a sender.

  • Reducing your costs and efforts: By automating your email campaigns, you can reduce your costs and efforts associated with manual email marketing tasks and focus on more strategic aspects of your business.

c. How to implement email marketing automation in your strategy?

To implement email marketing automation in your strategy, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Define your goals and objectives: Before you start creating your automated emails, you need to define what you want to achieve with them and how you will measure their success. For example, do you want to increase your sign-ups, sales, retention or referrals?

  2. Segment your audience: To send relevant and personalized emails, you need to segment your audience based on their characteristics, behavior or preferences. For example, you can segment your audience by demographics, location, interests, purchase history or engagement level.

  3. Choose your triggers and conditions: To send automated emails at the right time and to the right people, you need to choose the triggers and conditions that will activate them. For example, you can choose triggers such as subscribing to your list, completing a purchase or abandoning a cart. You can also choose conditions such as time intervals, frequency limits or specific actions.

  4. Create your email content: To create effective email content, you need to follow some best practices such as using clear and catchy subject lines, writing concise and engaging copy, adding relevant images and videos, using clear calls-to-action and personalizing your messages with dynamic content.

  5. Test and optimize your emails: To ensure that your emails are working properly and delivering the best results, you need to test and optimize them regularly. For example, you can test different elements of your emails such as subject lines, images or CTAs. You can also optimize your emails based on metrics such as open rates, click-through rates or conversion rates.

Email marketing automation is a great way to connect with your audience and grow your business. By following these steps and best practices, you can create effective automated email campaigns that will help you achieve your goals and objectives.

A survey by Litmus found that 33% of email recipients decide whether or not to open an email based solely on the subject line.

VI. How to measure success of email ?

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One of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to reach your target audience and expand your business is through email marketing. But how can you tell if your email marketing campaigns are successful? How do you gauge the effect of your email campaigns on your primary corporate objectives? And how can your email marketing strategy be improved to yield better results?

In this blog post, we will answer these questions by discussing the key metrics to track for email marketing success and how to analyze data to optimize your email marketing campaigns.

a. Key Metrics to Track for Email Marketing Success

There are many metrics that you can use to measure the performance of your email marketing campaigns, but not all of them are equally important or relevant. Depending on your email marketing objectives, you may want to focus on different metrics to evaluate your success. Here are some of the most common and useful metrics to track for email marketing success:

  • Open rate: This is the percentage of recipients who opened your email. It indicates how well you captured their attention with your subject line and sender name. A high open rate means that your email is relevant and appealing to your audience.

  • Click-through rate (CTR): This is the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your email. It indicates how well you persuaded them to take action with your email content and call-to-action (CTA). A high CTR means that your email is engaging and valuable to your audience.

  • Conversion rate: This is the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action after clicking on a link in your email. It indicates how well you aligned your email with your business goals and how effectively you guided them through the customer journey. A high conversion rate means that your email is successful in driving revenue or other outcomes for your business.

  • Bounce rate: This is the percentage of emails that were not delivered to the recipients’ inbox. It indicates how healthy and accurate your email list is and how well you comply with the email deliverability best practices. A low bounce rate means that your email list is clean and reliable and that your emails are reaching your audience.

  • Unsubscribe rate: This is the percentage of recipients who opted out of receiving future emails from you. It indicates how satisfied and loyal your audience is with your email marketing. A low unsubscribe rate means that your email content is relevant and valuable to your audience and that you are not sending too many or too few emails.

You can use a variety of measures to assess the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts, however

b. How to Analyze Data to Optimize Your Email Marketing Campaigns

To gauge and enhance the success of your email marketing, tracking these indicators is insufficient. In order to improve your email marketing strategies, you must also examine the data. You can achieve it by taking the following steps:

  1. Segment your data: Rather than examining the total analytics for all of your emails, you should segment your data according to several factors, such as audience, campaign type, subject line, CTA, etc. This will enable you to determine which segments perform better or worse than others and why.

  2. Test various variables: You should test several factors, such as subject lines, sender names, content, design, CTA, etc. to determine what functions best for your email marketing.

  3. Analyse the data: After completing the tests, you should review the results to determine which factors significantly impacted your metrics. Also, you ought to scan the data for patterns and trends and attempt to identify their causes.

  4. Make the necessary changes: In light of the findings of your analysis, you should make the adjustments that will boost the effectiveness of your email marketing. Until you achieve your targeted objectives, you should also keep an eye on the effects of these modifications on your KPIs and keep testing and adjusting.

Email marketing is a strong tool for business expansion, but for best results, it needs to be continuously measured and optimised. You can raise your open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and eventually, your revenue, by monitoring the crucial indicators for email marketing success and using data analysis to enhance your email marketing campaigns.

Get in touch with us right away if you need assistance with tracking and improving your email marketing initiatives. We are a group of email marketing specialists who can work with you to develop and carry out email marketing plans that will accelerate the development of your company.

Data from HubSpot shows that emails sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays tend to have the highest open rates, and emails sent between 7–10am and 4–8pm tend to have the highest click-through rates.

VII. What is email deliverability ?

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The success of your emails getting to their intended recipients’ inboxes is measured by your email deliverability. Several variables, including the sender’s reputation, the email’s content, spam filters, and the recipient’s involvement, have an impact on it. Here, we’ll go over various tactics for increasing email deliverability and the best ways to keep your email list in good shape.

a. Strategies for improving email deliverability:

  • Choose an email service provider (ESP) with a good reputation who adheres to industry best practises and standards. You can get assistance from an ESP with email delivery technical issues including authentication, feedback loops, bounce management, and others.

  • SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records can be used to authenticate your emails. These techniques guard against spoofing and phishing attempts by validating your identity as the email’s true source. Also, they aid in establishing confidence with ISPs and recipients.

  • Make your email’s design and content better. Be careful when using spammy language, a lot of punctuation, deceptive subject lines, or huge attachments in your emails. Use copy that is clear and succinct, meets the recipients’ expectations, and adds value. Use a responsive design that changes to fit multiple screens and devices.

  • Personalize and segment your email communications. You can deliver tailored and pertinent messages to various subscriber groups based on their interests, preferences, activity, or other factors by segmenting your email list. With dynamic content and merge tags, you may personalise your emails by addressing the recipients according to their name, location, or other details. By doing this, you may decrease spam complaints and unsubscribes while also increasing subscriber engagement and loyalty.

  • Test the emails before sending them. To see how your emails seem on various email clients and mobile devices, use applications like Litmus or Email on Acid. To check your spam score and find any potential email concerns, use apps like Mail Tester or GlockApps. Before sending your emails to, fix any mistakes or issues.

b. Best practices for maintaining a healthy email list:

  • Build your email list organically and ethically. Do not buy or rent email lists from third-party sources, as they are likely to be low-quality, outdated, or fraudulent. Use opt-in forms on your website, landing pages, social media platforms, or other channels to collect email addresses from people who are interested in your products or services. Provide clear and transparent information about what they are signing up for and how often they will receive emails from you.

  • Respect your subscribers’ preferences and consent. Provide options for them to manage their subscription settings, such as frequency, topics, format, or unsubscribe. Honor their requests promptly and comply with the relevant laws and regulations regarding email marketing, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the US or the GDPR in the EU.

  • Clean your email list regularly. Remove any invalid, inactive, or unengaged email addresses from your list to improve your deliverability rate and sender reputation. Use tools like BriteVerify or ZeroBounce to verify your email addresses and identify any hard bounces, soft bounces, spam traps, or disposable emails. Use tools like Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor to track your open rates, click-through rates, spam complaints, unsubscribes, or other metrics to measure your subscriber engagement and retention.

  • Monitor your email deliverability performance and take action if needed. Use tools like Google Postmaster Tools or Microsoft SNDS to check your sender reputation and feedback from the ISPs. Use tools like Return Path or 250ok to monitor your inbox placement rate and deliverability issues across different domains and regions. If you notice any problems with your email deliverability, such as high bounce rates, low open rates, spam complaints, or blacklisting, take immediate steps to resolve them and prevent further damage.

Email deliverability is a crucial factor for the success of your email marketing campaigns. By following these strategies and best practices, you can improve your email deliverability and reach more potential customers with your messages.

“The success of your email marketing campaign ultimately depends on how well you know your audience and what they want.” — Tara Schorr


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One of the best methods for reaching and interacting with your audience is through email marketing. It enables you to speak with customers in a personalised and pertinent manner, foster loyalty and trust, and increase conversions and sales. Compared to other marketing channels, email marketing has a very high return on investment (ROI) since it is so inexpensive to develop and distribute emails.

Yet, email marketing involves more than merely disseminating newsletters and advertisements. Planning, developing, testing, and improving your email campaigns to meet your objectives is a strategic process. You must understand your audience, categorise them based on their interests and behaviours, create subject lines and material that will pique readers’ interests, create layouts that are both appealing and functional, and measure and analyse your outcomes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take your email marketing to the next level. Read this comprehensive guide today and start creating amazing email campaigns that will boost your business!

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